11 Must-haves For Film Sets

by Zoe K

Filming can be challenging and you need to be prepared. Below is a list of items that we have ended up needing when filming.

Read Time: 2 minutes 


1) When there’s a problem, there’s Gaffer tape

This is an essential tool for all film sets!

  • It’s a quick fix for sudden breakages.
  • You can use it to make markers on the floor for your actors to use, to get positions just right.
  • You can tape down objects like cables so they’re not a trip hazard.


Gaffer tape

I didn’t know you could get yellow tape!


2) Have a ‘behind-the-scenes’ camera

  • We love to take behind the scene photos and post them on our social media pages!



Strike a pose!


3) Safety always, safety first; PPE

  • We bring our own PPE kit (Personal Protective Equipment) – safety is really important to us.


A man wearing PPE

Safety First!

4) Lots and lots of extension leads

  • This is a must. If you run out of batteries, you have a backup plan!


UK Black and red coiled power extension lead

I have powerrr!


5) Don’t forget your laptop and card readers

It’s always important to have a laptop on set.

  • We can show our clients the footage on a big screen.
  • If we run out of space on our SD cards, we can put all the footage on our laptop to make room for more!


Man working on a laptop

Think he’s forgotten to turn it on.

6) A 10 pence piece

  • Ever struggled to get the tripod plate off the bottom of the camera? These fiddly screws can be a pain, but not anymore! A simple 10p coin solves everything!


UK Ten Pence coin isolated on a white background

I wish it was a chocolate coin!


7) Extra batteries… plus some more!

  • You can never have too many batteries! Film equipment loves to eat them!



Bring all the batteries!


8) A handy cleaning kit

  • Wet wipes and hand sanitiser, we never know where a shoot might take us!
  • Always need a lens cloth to keep our glass sparkling. 


Camera Lens

So Shiny!

9) The trusty old pen and paper

  • Note down any ideas that come to mind on set or things that need to be noted for the edit, you don’t want to forget anything!


Someone taking notes

Make a list!

10) First Aid Kit; Always.

  • As said before, safety is really important to us, we always take our kit but never need it.



That looks painful!


11) Allen Key

  • This little tool is great for tightening up the tripod.
  • It’s tiny but essential; we never leave the studio without it.


Allen key

Simple but effective!


We have a range of filming equipment but wanted to share with you some items you may not expect to need!

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